How Can we Bring More Love into our lives?
Begin to Notice Love

One way is to begin to notice love. Begin to pay attention to when you feel love. Sometimes I feel love just overcome me. It comes over me. I could be doing anything and I'll get this wonderful feeling of love and warmth and sometimes I describe it like the warmth and coziness of it is like when you're having a very cool day and you will get in the car and the car has been sitting in the sunshine and it's nice and warm and it's a dry heat, so it's very cozy and it envelopes you and it heats you up and it just feels so good to be in the warm, warm space. But this love that comes over me, it's in my heart, it's in my body but is also in my heart. My heart is filled with this love, it's such an warm
sweet love and I imagine it 's like being enveloped in angel's wings. You know, the down of the feathers and the softness and fluffiness and warmth of angel's wings enveloping me and giving me a hug. Like they're standing behind me and they're wrapping their wings all the way around me and giving me this wonderful hug and I just think: I love you, I thank you for your love. I think you're wonderful! I appreciate the love that you are giving me! You're awesome and I love you and I think: I am love god! Just the thoughts of love and I think of all the people that I love, all the things in animals and events and I just start thinking about all the love that I feel that I had access to that I can readily think of and bring to my mind and my heart and I'm filled even more fully with this feeling of love. It's wonderful! And if that isn't something that you ever experienced, open your heart to and it can happen anytime there's no reason it couldn't, because there's nothing to stop it. It's right there available to you and what amplifies the love, what brings it to you is your willingness to observe it. It happens and I know that it happens to everyone, But we don't always notice because where busy with our lives. We have things to accomplish and this can happen in the midst of the busiest lives. It's just love and it's there and it hugs you and it warms you and it sustains you and it gives you energy and I hope that you can experience it more and more. Part of doing that, part of bringing in more fully into our life is to notice when it is there, just notice, "Oh I'm feeling that love feeling"
One of the things that I do is that I try to identify, "what flavor of love is this?" Is this romantic love feeling? Is this motherly love? Is this sisterly love? Or friendship love or brother love or some other arrangement of love. My pet Love. Is this love that I am feeling like when my cat comes and sits very close to me and purrs that wonderful purr that tells me they love me? Is that the love? Is it the love that when I'm making out with my boyfriend or husband and I feel like I'm melting right into the space that he's in, like we are blending into one person. Is that that kind of love that it is? Is it my sister with her supreme intelligence and just impressing me into a state of awe with their genius? Is it that thoughtfulness of a friend that just amazes you with how perfect of a gift they pick out for you is? Is that the kind of love that it is? That you are totally floored by how much they really paid attention to who you are, and go out of their way to let you know that they appreciate you. Is that the kind of love that it is? Because there's lots of love out there and there's more than even when I've said, so open your heart and let the love in and let the love out. Love others and let others love you.
If this is so far from concept that you've never experienced anything like this? Start by loving some-thing. Love your car and so if that's what you want to start with, think about your car. Think about how you feel when you're driving, how you feel when you're sitting in the driver's seat and what is it about that you enjoy. Think about that enjoyment feeling or that thrill or that power that you have behind the wheel. Like you come up on to a very steep hill and your engine is so powerful that it doesn't even faze your car and you just slide right up the mountain like it's nothing and you have the sense of the power like this car is good car. Just even start with something as simple as that you know or maybe it's a pair of shoes or something else material. It's alright if your practice love is on stuff, because you'll graduate and by practicing on stuff, you will be bringing that energy of love into your life and love will show up.
That is the way that you can amplify the love that you feel already and appreciate that love in any variety is a connection to God and it is the language of God. It is the substance of God, it's the connection with God. It is communication with God. It IS God. It's God and you. It's really God. Love is God and when you feel then love, you can appreciate God for the gift of it. Appreciate if it comes through the angels or if it comes through the pets or the people or the car, it doesn't matter. Appreciate that love that fills your heart and the more you connect with love then the more wonderful of a life you have. You don't need to even get into all the other things of life and stress and everything and yeah all that stuffs there and you have to deal with it but when you are filling your life with moment by moment of love, it's a wonderful life!
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