I got a chance to hear the angels once, it was in an Out of Body Experience.
First my OBE starts with meeting on the astral plane a large man he presented like a basketball player in size but I had the feeling it was my friend Dr. Al Taylor (who happened to have written a book about astral travel Soul Traveler: A Guide to Out-of-Body Experiences and the Wonders Beyond
Then he took me to a place that there was a

swimming pool and we were diving in and out of the water to feel what it felt like to be astral in the water because it felt like you could still breathe under the water. It was really FUN!
And then he took me to this mall which turned
out to be the Kodak Theater before it was built. I didn't end up going to the Kodak Theater until years after it was built and then I did recognize it as the same place as this OBE.

I didn't know at the time other than it was a mall in Hollywood and I could see the Hollywood sign and there was this escalator. So I was going up this escalator and at the level up the floors were very fantastically luxurious like marble and then there was another level up of escalators and I went to go up and he said,"Oh you're not supposed to go up there" and I said, "why not? I want to see what's up there."

I go to go up the second level of escalators and instead of taking me to another level of the mall it starts to take me up to heaven. He didn't come with me on the second level of escalators.
I start going up and at the top of the escalator it starts going into nebulous non physical area and I see these beings of light and more than seeing anything, because it was kind of all white. I could hear what sounded to me like soprano vocalizations. I felt this lovely blissful feeling from the beginning of the OBE and it got even better as I listened. And I am like oh my gosh that is so beautiful such a beautiful sound and then I tried to do it, I tried to mimic the sounds because I wanted to see what that was like. So I start vocalizing and I am doing my version of whatever I think they are doing.

Then a light being comes over to me and seemed kind of like insulted and sends me the telepathic message, "We are not singing. We are talking to each other" and the vibe feels to me like it was being a little amused and patronizing not really mean because that lovely feeling was still there so maybe that's my own interpretation because I am sensitive to being corrected. I said "What!? You are talking to each other!?" Then I paused and I listened but I couldn't get past how beautiful it sounded, it never made sense to me at all as language other than the telepathic message.
So of course I have since been trying to find something similar in any kind of music and the closest thing is Steven Halpern's piece Gift of the Angels! The very high soprano that sounds is like what I heard, very high soprano in some other language or in no language at all. You can listen to a sample After you click the Gifts of Angels Image below click on Listen to samples and there will be pop up. It might not work if you have pop up blocker. The Song is also called Gifts of Angels. I also recommend Al's book he has lots of stories of OBE's and some good techniques to get you started.
Update, and perfect synchonicity, just after I posted this blog I found this other song and a some nice video clips that looked like some of what I saw also.