Monday, September 9, 2013
Friday, September 6, 2013
Padre Pio
I highly recommend David's book and that you take every opportunity available to go see him speak in person. The book takes you on your own spiritual journey of self discovery as he reveals his journey. In person David has such an amazing sense of peace and when he speaks of the Divine Love, I could really feel that wonderful Divine love tangible enveloping all of us present with him. David's story of Padre Pio reminded me of my own miraculous visit from Padre Pio. In order to understand how amazing and potentially miraculous a visitation from Padre Pio is it will help to know who he is. Although he is no longer present in the physical there is no doubt in my heart that he is still present with us spiritually.

Padre Pio, now Saint Pius of Pietrelcina was a Catholic Priest who had the stigmata (physical wounds of Jesus) and was known for many miraculous healings and bi-location.
I had gotten a biography of Padre Pio from the library and was reading it in my bedroom and had to get up and leave the room for some reason. I set the book down on the corner of the bed but when I came back into the room the book was on the floor. I just
brushed it aside in my mind, figuring that the cat may have knocked it down, picked it up and placed it again on the bed but further from the edge. I came back to the room later and the book was on the floor again, I thought wow that weird my cat is usually very agile and didn't knock things down. This time a put the book on a solid surface and I closed the bedroom door so the cat would not go in and left for several hours.
When I got back the book was on the floor again. I just thought "what the?" and took a step toward the book intending to pick it up and as my left foot strode forward I saw a dark smudge like form to the left of an empty box and I felt a malicious intent and pressing anger. I also felt the presence of the being. The box slid quickly into my left foot mid stride pushing it in front of my right foot. I got tripped up. My whole body spun and I ended up falling on my right side. I was instantly pissed. I commanded it to leave. I started praying asking God and the angels to protect me and it occurred to me to ask Padre Pio to protect me and my house.

I did a complete spiritual cleanse of my whole house going to each corner and commanding out uninvited entities. A huge bruise developed on my right shoulder in the same exact location that I had been touched by God. I finally settled down to read the remaining chapters of the biography and that is when I learned that Padre Pio had been plagued by torturing demons that he fought with, throughout his life and he was even wounded by them.
The next day when I got back from work I smelled this most blissful euphoric ambrosia like smell just as I was entering my house. I had just read about the smell that would accompany Padre Pio in his spiritual visits and as I read that part, I had the thought that I always do when it comes to smells. I detest the smell of flowers, especially roses, because when I was a child I was attacked by a swarm of bees where I sustained 22 stings. If you think about it, it is not surprising that bees smell like flowers. I then read that instead of smelling like roses, for me and others who don't fancy the smell of roses, Padre Pio arrived with a scent that smelled more delicious than any earthly smell I had ever experienced a very sweet smell that is hard to describe.

That is precisely why I was able to identify the distinct smell when I experienced it again. Several years later I was going to a class at a local learning center and when I pulled into the parking lot I smelled that delicious smell again.
I sat for a few minutes just enjoying the smell not yet placing the smell but sensing a familiarity. A friend wondered out into the parking lot and saw me just sitting there and she asked what I was doing. I said I am smelling this wonderful smell. I got out to join her and asked her if she could smell it, she could. We joked around for a bit all the while there was this wonderful smell wafting toward us and we were trying to figure out where this awesome smell was coming from.
I noticed I was feeling a vibration like I was nervous but I wasn't. I glanced up in the sky and saw this. To me it looks like a hand pointing with a draping sleeve and at the same time it looks like a nose lips and bearded chin upper face hidden behind a hood.

While I was enjoying the smell I suddenly realized it was the very same smell that I had experienced when Padre Pio had visited me in spirit. Immediately following this sighting I went into the class on Feng Shui focusing on the healing section of a space and as an example of what to put in ones healing section the teacher had a photo of Padre Pio. During the class he told a story about one of the miracle healings Padre Pio had performed in his lifetime. At the conclusion of the class I gifted the teacher a print of this image and he now includes it in his healing lecture.
Recently I have been bothered by some very persistent malevolent energies and I have called on Padre Pio again to assist in clearing the energies and delivering them. This morning I smelled that very unique delightful heavenly scent again. Thank you so much Padre Pio, I am humbly honored and forever grateful for the blessings and protection you have bestowed on me.
Recommended Books on Padre Pio
Follow this link for a very nice prayer list to Padre Pio.
clair olfactance,
feng shui,
Padre Pio,
psychic smell,
spiritual cleansing. Davin Bennett,
Voyage of Purpose
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
The Sound of Angels
I got a chance to hear the angels once, it was in an Out of Body Experience.
First my OBE starts with meeting on the astral plane a large man he presented like a basketball player in size but I had the feeling it was my friend Dr. Al Taylor (who happened to have written a book about astral travel Soul Traveler: A Guide to Out-of-Body Experiences and the Wonders Beyond
Then he took me to a place that there was a

swimming pool and we were diving in and out of the water to feel what it felt like to be astral in the water because it felt like you could still breathe under the water. It was really FUN!
And then he took me to this mall which turned
out to be the Kodak Theater before it was built. I didn't end up going to the Kodak Theater until years after it was built and then I did recognize it as the same place as this OBE.

I didn't know at the time other than it was a mall in Hollywood and I could see the Hollywood sign and there was this escalator. So I was going up this escalator and at the level up the floors were very fantastically luxurious like marble and then there was another level up of escalators and I went to go up and he said,"Oh you're not supposed to go up there" and I said, "why not? I want to see what's up there."

I go to go up the second level of escalators and instead of taking me to another level of the mall it starts to take me up to heaven. He didn't come with me on the second level of escalators.
I start going up and at the top of the escalator it starts going into nebulous non physical area and I see these beings of light and more than seeing anything, because it was kind of all white. I could hear what sounded to me like soprano vocalizations. I felt this lovely blissful feeling from the beginning of the OBE and it got even better as I listened. And I am like oh my gosh that is so beautiful such a beautiful sound and then I tried to do it, I tried to mimic the sounds because I wanted to see what that was like. So I start vocalizing and I am doing my version of whatever I think they are doing.

Then a light being comes over to me and seemed kind of like insulted and sends me the telepathic message, "We are not singing. We are talking to each other" and the vibe feels to me like it was being a little amused and patronizing not really mean because that lovely feeling was still there so maybe that's my own interpretation because I am sensitive to being corrected. I said "What!? You are talking to each other!?" Then I paused and I listened but I couldn't get past how beautiful it sounded, it never made sense to me at all as language other than the telepathic message.
So of course I have since been trying to find something similar in any kind of music and the closest thing is Steven Halpern's piece Gift of the Angels! The very high soprano that sounds is like what I heard, very high soprano in some other language or in no language at all. You can listen to a sample After you click the Gifts of Angels Image below click on Listen to samples and there will be pop up. It might not work if you have pop up blocker. The Song is also called Gifts of Angels. I also recommend Al's book he has lots of stories of OBE's and some good techniques to get you started.
Update, and perfect synchonicity, just after I posted this blog I found this other song and a some nice video clips that looked like some of what I saw also.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Trust dissolves fear
Saturday, August 3, 2013
You are Loved by God

When I focused my attention on the grass the love was like, I am reveling in the life, in the detail. I am love reveling and expressing myself as grass, it was glorious!

In the experience of being one of the trees, I felt the love resonating like a sense of strength and glorious power, sturdiness, like powerfulness, longevity.

When I felt the love when beam first reached me, it was first like I am precious, I am cherished, I felt cherished, I felt me specifically, I am loved by God and I want you to feel that, that truth, that knowing in your cells, that you are cherished, you are loved, you are precious, you are God's precious baby, delicate precious infant, God's own creation. God loves you as if you were the only thing in existence.
God loves everything like that. God loves all of existence preciously and specifically. God glories in the detail of the
magnificence of the life you are co-creating with God. I love God.
When my focus shifted to the rocks, I lost my focus from the love, as I was so surprised, I still felt the love but my focus was on "really? I am the rock? Really?"
When my focus shifted to become the universe, the love reestablished and multiplied with such immense, immense love. I love remembering it. I love trying to get back to the place, the immensity of the whole universe. I love it. So full, so incredibly awesome, immense love, I want that love for you. I want you to know the immensity of the love that God has for everything in the universe and the universe itself. It's so immense, I love that.
I want to try to take you there with me so imagine how big the earth is, wait, no, back it up, imagine how small a grain of sand is. So you make the earth a grain of sand, and then the sun is as big as the earth, then you make the sun a grain of sand and the solar system as big as the sun then you make the solar system a grain of sand and the galaxy as big as the solar system then you make the galaxy a grain of sand and a tiny little piece of the universe as big as the galaxy then you make the entire, all the quadrant of the Universe a grain of sand and the Void is bigger than the universe, if the universe is a grain of sand. Then stretch it all back, that is the immensity of love.

When my focus went to the field of particles I kind of had the thought "what is this?" which was immediately answered with, this is the tiniest particle. This is what matter comes from. This is love expressed as material.
This is what everything is constructed from. This love, this love expressed as matter, is what the universe is made out of. This is love, this is God's love. Each physical piece of it is love and consciousness and the space between is love consciousness and infinite knowledge infinite information. This is what you did know yet. this thing this is it, this is the bridge between my love unexpressed and you. This is the bridge between all that energy unexpressed in the void and you, this field. And I drifted through the field not in any particular spot and I observed how the particles were organized in this matrix and in the matrix the particles were not touching each other, not a single one was touching any of the other ones.
They emitted a light and the rays of light from one reached the rays of light from the other and they entangled and those lines of energy kept the distance stabilized. The energy pushing out, the rays coming out kept the next particle separate there was like a tiny membrane around each particle and inside the particle was illuminated too, it is not that there's something more, this is IT this is the tiniest thing this radiating particle. If I was really going to draw it, it really just looks white but I was seeing or experiencing the information of the particles-ness of the substance, that its actually matter, the way we understand, the way common people understand matter. Just let me be clear on that, since taking a bunch of physics classes there's some people would say there's no matter in the universe, that is all energy. Well matter is energy, expressed as matter, it's different resonance. It's stable energy and is different. It's not just energy, it's energy expressed as matter. It's love actually. It has equilibrium, a push and a pull, or a radiance and a grab I don't know, anyway, within each little buffered field, each particle did have some wiggle room to move around. It didn't spin, I shared this story with my astronomy professor and he asked me if they were spinning but they were not spinning they were just moving slightly in their positions and sometimes there would be several moving in sequence so there would be like the wave effect, mostly they were individually just little nudges moving around slightly so I can now extrapolate what that could result in. Any tiny fluctuation could result in the fabulous detail of the reality that we exist in. Just like that fractal math, the tiniest little fluctuation creates detail and that's what I saw and the love there was really immense and phenomenal too and I don't want to lose that, each particle was conscious and loved specifically.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Bring more love into your life
How Can we Bring More Love into our lives?
Begin to Notice Love

One way is to begin to notice love. Begin to pay attention to when you feel love. Sometimes I feel love just overcome me. It comes over me. I could be doing anything and I'll get this wonderful feeling of love and warmth and sometimes I describe it like the warmth and coziness of it is like when you're having a very cool day and you will get in the car and the car has been sitting in the sunshine and it's nice and warm and it's a dry heat, so it's very cozy and it envelopes you and it heats you up and it just feels so good to be in the warm, warm space. But this love that comes over me, it's in my heart, it's in my body but is also in my heart. My heart is filled with this love, it's such an warm
sweet love and I imagine it 's like being enveloped in angel's wings. You know, the down of the feathers and the softness and fluffiness and warmth of angel's wings enveloping me and giving me a hug. Like they're standing behind me and they're wrapping their wings all the way around me and giving me this wonderful hug and I just think: I love you, I thank you for your love. I think you're wonderful! I appreciate the love that you are giving me! You're awesome and I love you and I think: I am love god! Just the thoughts of love and I think of all the people that I love, all the things in animals and events and I just start thinking about all the love that I feel that I had access to that I can readily think of and bring to my mind and my heart and I'm filled even more fully with this feeling of love. It's wonderful! And if that isn't something that you ever experienced, open your heart to and it can happen anytime there's no reason it couldn't, because there's nothing to stop it. It's right there available to you and what amplifies the love, what brings it to you is your willingness to observe it. It happens and I know that it happens to everyone, But we don't always notice because where busy with our lives. We have things to accomplish and this can happen in the midst of the busiest lives. It's just love and it's there and it hugs you and it warms you and it sustains you and it gives you energy and I hope that you can experience it more and more. Part of doing that, part of bringing in more fully into our life is to notice when it is there, just notice, "Oh I'm feeling that love feeling"
One of the things that I do is that I try to identify, "what flavor of love is this?" Is this romantic love feeling? Is this motherly love? Is this sisterly love? Or friendship love or brother love or some other arrangement of love. My pet Love. Is this love that I am feeling like when my cat comes and sits very close to me and purrs that wonderful purr that tells me they love me? Is that the love? Is it the love that when I'm making out with my boyfriend or husband and I feel like I'm melting right into the space that he's in, like we are blending into one person. Is that that kind of love that it is? Is it my sister with her supreme intelligence and just impressing me into a state of awe with their genius? Is it that thoughtfulness of a friend that just amazes you with how perfect of a gift they pick out for you is? Is that the kind of love that it is? That you are totally floored by how much they really paid attention to who you are, and go out of their way to let you know that they appreciate you. Is that the kind of love that it is? Because there's lots of love out there and there's more than even when I've said, so open your heart and let the love in and let the love out. Love others and let others love you.
If this is so far from concept that you've never experienced anything like this? Start by loving some-thing. Love your car and so if that's what you want to start with, think about your car. Think about how you feel when you're driving, how you feel when you're sitting in the driver's seat and what is it about that you enjoy. Think about that enjoyment feeling or that thrill or that power that you have behind the wheel. Like you come up on to a very steep hill and your engine is so powerful that it doesn't even faze your car and you just slide right up the mountain like it's nothing and you have the sense of the power like this car is good car. Just even start with something as simple as that you know or maybe it's a pair of shoes or something else material. It's alright if your practice love is on stuff, because you'll graduate and by practicing on stuff, you will be bringing that energy of love into your life and love will show up.
That is the way that you can amplify the love that you feel already and appreciate that love in any variety is a connection to God and it is the language of God. It is the substance of God, it's the connection with God. It is communication with God. It IS God. It's God and you. It's really God. Love is God and when you feel then love, you can appreciate God for the gift of it. Appreciate if it comes through the angels or if it comes through the pets or the people or the car, it doesn't matter. Appreciate that love that fills your heart and the more you connect with love then the more wonderful of a life you have. You don't need to even get into all the other things of life and stress and everything and yeah all that stuffs there and you have to deal with it but when you are filling your life with moment by moment of love, it's a wonderful life!
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