I just finished reading my dear friend David Bennett's
Voyage of Purpose: Spiritual Wisdom from Near-Death back to Life
a wonderfully deep telling of his near Death Experience and amazing healing Journey which includes a miracle healing through the intercession of Padre Pio.
I highly recommend David's book and that you take every opportunity available to go see him speak in person. The book takes you on your own spiritual journey of self discovery as he reveals his journey. In person David has such an amazing sense of peace and when he speaks of the Divine Love, I could really feel that wonderful Divine love tangible enveloping all of us present with him. David's story of Padre Pio reminded me of my own miraculous visit from Padre Pio. In order to understand how amazing and potentially miraculous a visitation from Padre Pio is it will help to know who he is. Although he is no longer present in the physical there is no doubt in my heart that he is still present with us spiritually.
Padre Pio, now Saint Pius of Pietrelcina was a Catholic Priest who had the stigmata (physical wounds of Jesus) and was known for many miraculous healings and bi-location.
I had gotten a biography of
Padre Pio from the library and was reading it in my bedroom and had to get up and leave the room for some reason. I set the book down on the corner of the bed but when I came back into the room the book was on the floor. I just
brushed it aside in my mind, figuring that the cat may have knocked it down, picked it up and placed it again on the bed but further from the edge. I came back to the room later and the book was on the floor again, I thought wow that weird my cat is usually very agile and didn't knock things down. This time a put the book on a solid surface and I closed the bedroom door so the cat would not go in and left for several hours.
When I got back the book was on the floor again. I just thought "what the?" and took a step toward the book intending to pick it up and as my left foot strode forward I saw a dark smudge like form to the left of an empty box and I felt a malicious intent and pressing anger. I also felt the presence of the being. The box slid quickly into my left foot mid stride pushing it in front of my right foot. I got tripped up. My whole body spun and I ended up falling on my right side. I was instantly pissed. I commanded it to leave. I started praying asking God and the angels to protect me and it occurred to me to ask Padre Pio to protect me and my house.
I did a complete spiritual cleanse of my whole house going to each corner and commanding out uninvited entities. A huge bruise developed on my right shoulder in the same exact location that I had been touched by God. I finally settled down to read the remaining chapters of the biography and that is when I learned that Padre Pio had been plagued by torturing demons that he fought with, throughout his life and he was even wounded by them.
The next day when I got back from work I smelled this most blissful euphoric ambrosia like smell just as I was entering my house. I had just read about the smell that would accompany Padre Pio in his spiritual visits and as I read that part, I had the thought that I always do when it comes to smells. I detest the smell of flowers, especially roses, because when I was a child I was attacked by a swarm of bees where I sustained 22 stings. If you think about it, it is not surprising that bees smell like flowers. I then read that instead of smelling like roses, for me and others who don't fancy the smell of roses, Padre Pio arrived with a scent that smelled more delicious than any earthly smell I had ever experienced a very sweet smell that is hard to describe.
That is precisely why I was able to identify the distinct smell when I experienced it again. Several years later I was going to a class at a local learning center and when I pulled into the parking lot I smelled that delicious smell again.
I sat for a few minutes just enjoying the smell not yet placing the smell but sensing a familiarity. A friend wondered out into the parking lot and saw me just sitting there and she asked what I was doing. I said I am smelling this wonderful smell. I got out to join her and asked her if she could smell it, she could. We joked around for a bit all the while there was this wonderful smell wafting toward us and we were trying to figure out where this awesome smell was coming from.
I noticed I was feeling a vibration like I was nervous but I wasn't. I glanced up in the sky and saw this. To me it looks like a hand pointing with a draping sleeve and at the same time it looks like a nose lips and bearded chin upper face hidden behind a hood.
While I was enjoying the smell I suddenly realized it was the very same smell that I had experienced when Padre Pio had visited me in spirit. Immediately following this sighting I went into the class on Feng Shui focusing on the healing section of a space and as an example of what to put in ones healing section the teacher had a photo of Padre Pio. During the class he told a story about one of the miracle healings Padre Pio had performed in his lifetime. At the conclusion of the class I gifted the teacher a print of this image and he now includes it in his healing lecture.
Recently I have been bothered by some very persistent malevolent energies and I have called on Padre Pio again to assist in clearing the energies and delivering them. This morning I smelled that very unique delightful heavenly scent again. Thank you so much Padre Pio, I am humbly honored and forever grateful for the blessings and protection you have bestowed on me.
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Follow this
link for a very nice prayer list to Padre Pio.